Board Meeting Articles

Board Management Software for Nonprofits

Safety and stakeholder engagement are important to nonprofit teams. Stay connected with customers, keep documents secure, and efficiently allocate human and other resources with the best board management software for nonprofits.

How to Help Nonprofits with Open Source Board Management Software?

Recently, many different non-profit organizations began to appear in many countries, which are trying to provide vital functions for society – social, educational, cultural. In fact, the non-profit sector has taken upon itself the satisfaction of those needs of society that were left uncovered by the other two sectors – commercial and public. Awareness of the role and importance of non-profit organizations in society highlights the need for effective board management software for nonprofits. However, in fairness, it should be noted that it is precisely this kind of company that periodically needs it even more.

The non-profit sector is distinguished by a wide variety of organizational forms, a wide range of socially significant goals and objectives for which non-profit organizations are created. In such an environment, it is useful to articulate a mission statement for the successful management of a non-profit organization. The mission statement can make the work of leaders and ordinary employees of NGOs meaningful and focused, allowing them to better see and understand not only what they should do, but also what they are doing.

From a managerial point of view, the mission of board management software for nonprofits is the basis for setting the goals of the organization, helps to develop strategic plans, contributes to a better understanding of the meaning and content of their activities in the organization by paid employees and volunteers, and increases motivation. In addition, the mission contributes to the formation or consolidation of a certain image of the organization in the representation of donors and partners of the non-profit organization.

Why Is It Recommended to Use Open Source Board Management Software for Nonprofits?

A well-defined board management software for nonprofits clarifies what an organization is and what it strives to be, and also shows how the organization differs from others like it. To do this, the mission statement should try to concisely and clearly reflect the main goal, content, and geographical area of the organization, as well as its philosophy. At the same time, the mission should be formulated in such a way that it excludes the possibility of ambiguous interpretation, but at the same time leaves room for creative and flexible development of the organization.

There are some reasons why it is important to use open source board management software for nonprofits:

  • the main advantage that distinguishes it from many similar programs is the ability to communicate between all those present, that is, the number of speakers is not regulated;
  • the platform works using a browser, so you don’t have to install individual applications;
  • a simple and intuitive interface;
  • a fairly convenient free version: up to 25 people, no restrictions by conference time, unlimited period of validity.

Most nonprofits manage their board members with digital duct tape — endless chains of letters and file-sharing services. It is a terrible experience, exhausting board members and employees. Boardable is specially created by the founders of nonprofit organizations to address this problem, increase efficiency and engagement. The main problems of any organization, including a non-profit organization, lie in the area of competence of its top echelon. The main task of the head of the organization is to help it survive in a changing environment. This means, be ready for organizational changes.
